Church History
On April 24, 2009, God spoke to Pastor Mercer in a dream. In the dream, someone had fallen to the floor. Pastor Mercer vividly remembers laying hands on her and saying, "Woman, arise!" Immediately, she sat up and was healed. The dream was God's way of showing Pastor Mercer what would happen when she steps out and births the ministry that He had placed inside of her. After the dream, Pastor Mercer knew what God was requiring of her. Her spirit man was ready to step out, but her flesh was still uncertain. At a conference, Minister Barbara Gregory said, "God maybe leading you into a new direction..focus your attention on God and see the power of God flowing in your life." This was the confirmation Pastor Mercer needed. In a matter of days, Pastor Mercer had the dream, and the dream was confirmed.
Since everything was falling into place, a name for the church had to be decided. The name Greater Anointing originated from Pastor Mercer's daughter-in-law, Alicia, on May 24, 2009. Being hesitant, Pastor Mercer said that she would let the name Greater Anointing "simmer." Again, God revealed his plan for her ministry. On May 25, 2009, Pastor Mercer had an encouraging conversation with Elder Climmic Mercer, her brother-in-law. The man of God spoke these words, "All ties were loosed on yesterday. Your destiny and future is great. God is opening the fountain..a greater anointing is upon you." But God wasn't finished yet. He then sent Reverend Gloria Brown with these words: "God has placed such a greater anointing in your life."
Knowing that obedience is better than sacrifice, and being backed by the greatest investor in the world, Pastor Beverly Mercer and 22 members had their first worship service under the name Greater Anointing Ministries in the Jenkins Science Center on the campus of Elizabeth City State University on June 7, 2009. As of February 6, 2011, Greater Anointing Ministry has been worshiping at St. Philip's Chapel located at 201 S. McMorrine St. in Downtown Elizabeth City, North Carolina. From July 2010 until today, seven people have been saved, five new members have joined, and Greater Anointing has witnessed, not heard of, but witnessed a miracle. The music department has also expanded. We now have two keyboard players, one bass player, a drummer a choir director, and three new choir members. Also in August of 2010, we hosted our first annual youth outing to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. Pastor Mercer recently preached a message entitled "Women Daring to Trust God." Greater Anointing has come this far by faith because our pastor is a dynamic woman who dared to trust God.